Store Commander

- Version:
N/A - PrestaShop Compatibility:
N/A - Translations:
Manage your PrestaShop at the speed of light with Store Commander !
Store Commander offers a high-speed ergonomic interface on a single web-page: exit endless scrolling into Prestashop back office!
The Free version covers catalog management, categories and also products properties management. All features you have access to are in black and all the others are in blue in read-only mode.
With over 100 time-saving features i.e. the equivalent of several Prestashop modules into one, enjoy:
- Mass-categories management:
- Reorganize your categories by drag & droping
- Access categories in the shop very quickly
- Display products by their category by default
- Display products as sub-categories
- Add/modify categories
- Edit your categories in bulk with the copy/paste feature by changing their name and descriptions.
- Optimize SEO management and save time using the copy/paste feature.
- Enable or disable products in bulk associated to selected categories.
- Associate an image to one or multiple categories.
- Manage all the languages and translations.
- In multistores mode, you will be able to associate categories to various stores in bulk
- Synchronize the position categories in all stores where they exist in
- Managing images in bulk:
- Multi-upload images from your PC or MAC
- Match images to combinations
- Select combinations used per image
- Modify the position of images by simple drag and drop
- Delete images
- Use PNG format supported for all versions of Prestashop
- Automatically re-write images legends
- Managing products, attributes, groups and much more
- Navigate quickly and easily without scrolling through your shop
- Access to your products quickly in the shop
- Add / edit your products
- Move / add a product to a category by simple drag & droping
- Duplicate several products
- Filter products through advanced filtering tool
- Sort your products
- Manage Attributes and groups
- Manage features
- Select columns to show / mark
- Edit the field values in the grid
- Manage Attachments in bulk
To go further
You can upgrade your free version to one of our Solo or MultiShop offer that will bring you over 300 mass-management features to mass-update and mass-edit discounts, prices, orders, customers, multiple stores, advanced stocks, accessories, and much more!
Store Commander is compatible with our cache module: Cache Manager. Each change made from Store Commander delete the obsoleted product's cache, so your store is always up to date !
It is also compatible with our module Multiple Features, which let you to assign more than one feature value to your products.
Installation instructions are explained. Support for the free version of this module is available through many online resources on self-service at storecommander.com/support/